Empower Women - Change the World!


MoneyMatters is held on the second Thursday of each month. 

January: Tax planning - Understanding tax brackets and how to minimize your tax liability

February: Investing for beginners - How to start investing in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds

March: Understanding and improving credit scores

April: Debt management strategies - How to pay off debt and stay debt-free

May: Building an emergency fund - Why it's important and how to get started

June: How to negotiate your salary and benefits

July: Estate planning - Why it's important and how to get started

August: Understanding different types of retirement accounts and how to choose the right one

September: Preparing for large purchases - Housing and transportation

October: Understanding insurance - Different types and how to choose the right one for your needs

November: Budgeting basics - How to create and stick to a budget

December: Saving for college - Tips for parents and students